So I started to write at and since todays writing actually makes sense, I'll put it up here as well.
Maybe I'd get the hang of writing here since the point of the site is that I have to write 750 words every single day.
Now I've only done that two days but I have a good feeling about it!
The first entry was just a rant about my current stalemate of a life so it's not worth anyones reading time, but this is actually something I've wanted to write about earlier as well so here goes!
(I deleted some irrelevant crap from the beginning btw. This should be something like maybe 1000 words. Ah, also I don't really know how the folks at JaME would think about me writing the questions etc. here but based on the busy traffic at this blog.........)
I signed up with JaME to be part of their Dir en grey-panel (I'll go get the questions from my mail so I'm sure this site counts that as 'being distracted* ._____.
Shit, weren't in the mail that was open so surely I'm screwed now!
Found them!
So they start of with some pretty basic stuff with "Who are you and where do you come from? What's your story as a Dir en grey-listener?" so that's relatively easy, as is the next one "Why Dir en grey? What makes this band special?" Requires a little longer explanation but it's doable, right?
But then it starts getting more serious, since I have to really start answering like the 25 year old I am opposed to some 15 year old fan girl (which I am not..... yeah XD). "The style of Dir en grey (both musically and visually) has changed a lot over the years. What is your favorite album from the band? What are your general thoughts about the newer production of Dir en grey?" I somehow feel like I should, by default, say that "Oh my gawd! Like, I totally prefer their Garden-look to this hideous 'jeans and a band t-shirt and no make up"-look, just because we're talking about the VK scene here... Problem is that even though they have the masks (..........) nowadays I still don't consider them visual kei anymore, they don't want to be considered as that so why should we, the fans, label them as VK then? But if I say that my favorite album of them is Dum Spiro Spero I'm seen as a fake wannabe even though I've already told them I've been a fan since 2004.... Hard decisions!
Moving on. "Dir en grey recently started a project called SCREAM FOR THE TRUTH where they accuse the Japanese government of lying about the effects and the knowledge they have of the Fukushima nuclear plant catastrophe. Do you think it's okay for a rock band to use their position to take such a strong stand on social issues or should the music be separated from the politics?" So here we go with the thing that I might actually get some people pissed with.... The thing that I think it's kind of ridiculous of Diru to start the whole site. I get that they want people to know they really don't trust their government anymore after all that has happened and come to the publics knowledge (and the things that haven't!) but I think they're doing it wrong. I don't see the whole point of them opening up the site, post the open letter they already posted on their own official site, Facebook, End Records and where ever else, and almost nothing else EXCEPT all of their information about themselves, their history, discography, all of their contact sites and such. I only see it as a advertisement thing, people hear about "this out there Japanese rock band who opposes to their own government and they're kinda in a pickle for that"... I don't see the point of their whole self marketing on the site since it's supposed to be anti-government and not a Dir en grey-shop you know? Ah, I really need to think how to paraphrase that part.
"Dir en grey have visited Europe many times. Have you had the chance to see them live? If yes, did it match your expectations or did it disappoint you?" An easy one in the middle! "Have you ever written fan mail for anyone in the band? If not, would you like to and what would you say?" I've only actually written two fan letters in my life, one to kagerou and one to D'espairsRay back in 2005 and I really can't remember what I wrote in them XD I have no idea what I would write to Diru though.... I'm not really opposed to fan letters but I also just really don't think the band reads them that much, at least not anymore. I don't feel like wasting my time pouring my heart out to Kaoru since I have no proof that he'd ever read that.
"Does Dir en grey mean something more to you, or are they just a band you listen to? Have they taught you new things in life or have they affected your life in some way?" Again, one where I feel like I should have something awesome to say since I'm so old XD I somehow hate all the people who always say that a certain band saved their life etc. I don't see that, I really don't get how a band can change your focus from killing yourself to just enjoying life again or something. I don't mean to sound awful or disheartening to anyone, if this band helped you through ruff times, good for you, but I just don't get how JUST the band can do that. If you're really standing on that bridge, ready to jump, do you really think about Dir en grey at that situation? Of course they have changed my life, but so has the fact that my big sister and her fiancé got a dog 3 years ago (not in the same way but.... yeah, I see problems coming ahead with this question as well *sigh*).
If you'd get the chance to meet one of the band members, who would it be and what would you say?" I'd want to meet Kaoru, but I'd want to speak Japanese or that he'd speak English and I'd just randomly want to meet him in the bar or something, not in a paid meet-and-greet with 59 other fans and the band being tired from touring and just wishing to be sleeping backstage before the show. Also I don't know what I'd say, congratulate him from being the almighty leader-sama of such a fucking excellent band? What can you say to Kaoru?
"If you could travel back in time,which year in Dir en grey's history would you travel? Why and what would you do?" HARD ONE! Don't want to think about it now.
And the hardest is the last one, I'm terrified of this!! "Lastly, what song would you recommend to a person who hasn't listened to Dir en grey?" Uhh, excuse me what?! This depends on so many things. What kind of music does the person listen to, do I want them to like the new, old or the middle Dir en grey? Do I want them to like or hate them? Do I want that person "in my fandom" that is.... Do they know what VK or jrock is? How do they feel about it and small things like those.
Thank heavens I have a week to finish this!!
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