I found this Finnish girls' blog and dear deities, she sounds exactly like me. Her thoughts are just like mine regarding school and other people, their opinions that don't matter worth of shit and tattoos and piercings too.... She's like... 5 years younger than me but I'm thinking she's just mature for her age and I'm not childish for mine ;D ah, I wish I'd be that kind of a person who just goes up to people and bam! insta-friends.... No, I stalk in all quietness XD sad..
Got some bad and then not that bad news regarding the Japan-trip. Lovely Lis won't be in the country until the 20th of July so instead of the 13th we we're supposed to go to her place, will be staying at Yadoya until the 20th.. but from that we'll stay at her place until we're leaving on the 9th of August, yay! And I mailed at Yadoya that if it's possible, can we get the room we already reserved for the whole two week and they said yes, so that's settled then as well... It'll cost us double the money we initially counted but it's not like we can get Lis back from Sweden any sooner, she's got a job and her boss isn't letting her go earlier :< stupid adults.... (harh harh... I'll always be a kid at heart!).
Also, we don't really have any real plans for the trip, we're going to see Schwarz Stein's One Day Reunion Concert "Resurrence of Hallucination" in Takadanobaba AREA on the 31st of July, but other than that not much has been planned.. It's not like we have any extra money so there has been some talking that we'd go visit Chiba's IKEA with Lis XDD hey, there has been many blogposts and tweets about guys making group-trips to the Holy Land of Cheap Furniture from the Great North...... so why not? No souvenirs from there though ;P
What else? Went to check out the Victory party at Kauppatori on Monday, if you didn't know, Finland won Sweden at the IIHF World Championship Finals last Sunday (we won for the 2nd time ever and the last time was 16 years ago, so about frikkin time yeah?) and there was a massive welcoming party for the team when they came back to Finland! 100,000 people gathered there.... no wonder I wanted to get the fuck out of there the minute we got in *sigh*
I have like 150 pics from there myself but I'm too lazy to do anything to them right now (and I don't have my trusty old fiddle around with your pictures-program on this laptop) so there's a pic I snatched from Iltasanomat so you can get an idea how much is 100,000 people in the center of Helsinki... Quite a lot eh? I just don't understand that they had shitty "artists" like fucking Petri Nygård "performing" there.... Uh, who ever said performing means that you can shout VITTU to a lot of peple and make "a song" about how drunk a person can get? And to do that in front of kids and the whole world... yeah, great going Finland, way to make me proud to be a part of this glorious nation.
Vanessa and Hanna are coming to our place on Friday, D's gig is on Sunday, can't wait but should really practise Night Ship "D"-flagdancethingy..... no motivation but I sure as hell am not standing there like a dimwit mothe.... you know... and since we actually have the flags it'd be neat to actually be able to do the routine XD I just wish we'd get numbers for the signing session... *fingers crossed*
Signing out and getting back to reading Exit Strategy (a fic with pirates, a monkeyboy and kinda whole lot of BL..... what, I'm bored and at the moment Noora isn't watching reruns of OZ with me... so there!!)
PS: I fucking hate that I'm so pissed off all the time.
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